Provided by the South African Revenue Service for more information visit the SARS webpage at Contents: Introduction This guide contains in formation about the tax laws that apply to businesses. It describes the four major forms of business organisations - sole proprietorship, partnership, close corporation and private company - and explains the tax responsibilities of each. This first edition of 'Tax Guide for Small Business' is divided into three parts, The contains general information on business organisation and registration. Discusses various aspects of record keeping, including an explanation of net profit or loss.
This helps to illustrate the specific tax considerations for each of the flour different business Organisations contains an explanation of income tax and some of the other taxes you may have to pay in addition to income tax. Rhinoterrain 2 0 Crack Cocaine. The information in this publication applies to many different kinds of businesses.
However this guide does not discuss insurance companies, banks, investment companies, trusts, fishing or farming enterprises. This guide is only a general guide and does not try to deal with every aspect that can arise. If it does not give the answer to your own tax problem, your local Receiver of Revenue will be pleased to help you. • Part I Initial considerations when organising the business • Introduction Once you have decided to start a business you must decide what type of business entity to use.There are legal and tax considerations that will enter into this decision The legal considerations are beyond the scope of this guide. However an important element in your decision will be the tax consequences of each type of entity.
Dear Vendor, THE NEW VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) RETURN FOR THE REMITTANCE OF VAT (VAT 201) FORM IS NOW AVAILABLE In April this year, the South African Revenue Service. VAT202e - Notice of Change of Tax Period iro the Submission of a Return VAT 201 - External (Form). Products SupportEducation and OutreachContact CentreBranch OfficeMail CentreElectronicScanningComplaintsAppeals, Disputes and ObjectionsDocument ManagementFilingAssessment Exceptions Date:.