Data Feeds • • • • • • • • • • • • • Open Data Find additional data and APIs for New York City on, the City's central data store. Opening data to the public and developers is an important part of DOT's online initiatives. Read more from DOT Open Data Access Meetings: – April 1, 2015 Vision Zero The is an interactive tool that shows detailed information on traffic injury and fatality crashes in New York City, and highlights how the city is responding every day to make our streets safer. The map displays crash types, dates and locations and highlights Vision Zero initiatives such as Arterial Slow Zones, planning workshops and expanded traffic enforcement, major safety projects, as well as other long running safety programs. The data used in the map is available in the links below (see the online map for more information about the data creation and sources). Traffic Advisories As part of its Citywide traffic improvement program, the New York City Department of Transportation compiles lists of areas where major street construction or street events will impede the normal flow of traffic.
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Schedules are subject to change due to inclement weather or emergencies. DOT issues a weekly traffic alert, providing the locations of road construction and events where lane and street closings will affect the flow of traffic.
Lane closings may also occur due to circumstances beyond our control. DOT issues a weekly alert providing the locations where street construction or street events will impede the normal flow of traffic this weekend. DOT issues a list of areas where major street construction or street events will impede the normal flow of traffic. These activities tend to be larger in scale or last longer than the activities listed in the Weekly Traffic Updates.
Street Construction DOT issues a list of streets where crews will be doing milling or resurfacing work each week. Milling is the process of grinding off the top layer of asphalt or surface of a roadway. Milling is the process of grinding off the top layer of asphalt or surface of a roadway, and is usually done in preparation for paving. Resurfacing is the process of placing an asphalt overlay on a roadway, whether or not it has been milled. These lists are shared with Community Boards, local police precincts and other stakeholders via e-mail and posted on DOT's website.
Street Pothole Work Orders – Closed A pothole is a hole in the street with a circular or ovular shape and a definable bottom. The bottom may be the concrete roadway base and may be partially filled with mud, dirt, or loose gravel. Condition does not look manmade and usually is not sitting in an area of collapse. To be ‘actionable’ the pothole should be at least one foot in diameter and three inches deep. The Street Pothole Work Orders data consists of closed street potholes inspected and repaired by DOT. The dataset includes a pothole’s location, the date it was reported, and date the report was completed.
Street Assessment/Street Pavement Ratings The New York City Department of Transportation is responsible for keeping the City's streets in good repair. The Agency performs ongoing assessment of New York City streets. Ratings are based on a scale from 1 to 10, and results are grouped in the following categories: Good (%) - ratings of 8 to 10, Fair (%) - ratings of 4 to 7, and Poor (%) - ratings of 1 to 3.
This data will allow you to create a map. Torrent Elcomsoft Ios Forensic Toolkit on this page. Protected Streets A Protected Street is a street segment or intersection that has been resurfaced or reconstructed within the last five years. No street openings are allowed on protected streets, except for emergency work or as authorized by the Commissioner. Future Protected Streets included streets that will soon be entered on the Protected Streets list because of active or planned projects. This listing can be used for scheduling street work for segments and intersections that will soon be resurfaced. NYC DOT 10 Year Street Reconstruction Capital Plan The New York City Street Reconstruction 10 Year Capital Plan identifies capital street projects funded from fiscal years 2015 to 2025, created by the New York City Department of Transportation. Driver Fingerspot Deskpro more.
DOT capital street projects are major street construction projects, often including full reconstruction of the sewer pipes, the roadbed, and sidewalks. Capital projects require detailed surveys and design, and increased inter-agency coordination and approvals. They are essential to keeping the City’s infrastructure in a state of good repair.