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Download AMD Drivers & Software for Radeon, FirePro, APU, CPU, desktops, and laptops. Free Download AMD Radeon HD 5570 Graphics Driver 14.501.1003.0 for Windows 7/Windows 8.1 64-bit (Graphics Board).
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The SAPPHIRE HD 5570 graphic card is perfect for playing the latest generation games with full DirectX®11 and completing Windows ®7 experience. *With SAPPHIRE HD 5570 series you get a multi-purpose graphics solution for maximum versatility. Gain more system performance in an energy efficient and quiet SAPPHIRE HD 5570 graphic card. The power consumption is less than 45 watts under full load. ** Footnotes: 1.Windows ®7 capable system required 2.As of January,2010 AMD Radeon™ HD 5500 Series Graphics cards are the only graphics cards under 45 Watts at full load to provide full support for DirectX® 11, AMD Eyefinity technology and AMD Stream technology. AMD Catalyst™ 15.10 Beta for Windows ® This article provides information on the latest posting of the AMD Catalyst™ Software Suite, AMD Catalyst™ 15.10 Beta Driver. This particular software suite updates the AMD Catalyst™ Display Driver and the AMD Catalyst™ Control Center.
This unified driver has been updated, and is designed to provide enhanced performance and reliability. Package Contents The AMD Catalyst™ Software Suite, AMD Catalyst™ 15.10 Beta Driver contains the following: • AMD Catalyst™ Display Driver version 15.201.1151.1005 Installing The AMD Catalyst ™ Software Driver For detailed instructions on how to correctly uninstall or install the AMD Catalyst™ Software Suite, please refer to the following instructional resources: • • NOTES • This driver is not intended for use on AMD products running in Apple Boot Camp platforms. Users of these platforms should contact their manufacturer for driver support. • When installing the AMD Catalyst™ Driver for Windows®, the user must be logged on as Administrator, or have Administrator rights to complete the installation of the AMD Catalyst Driver. • The AMD Catalyst ™ 15.10 Beta Software Suite requires Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to be installed. • The AMD Catalyst ™ 15.10 Beta Software Suite requires Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5 to be installed.