Some new messages are not available in all translated languages and will show up in English • updating from 7.x to 8.x with preserve settings leaves some files in c: • occasionally, Twonky license key input results in “invalid key” on Linux systems • workaround: remove the appdata folder and try again.
With Twonky from Lynx Technology, you can quickly discover your media libraries of digital videos, photos and music in your home, control them from mobile devices, and enjoy them on connected screens and speakers. Twonky Server is the industry leading DLNA/UPnP Media Server from Lynx Technology that enables sharing media content between connected devices. Twonky Server is used worldwide and is available as a standalone server (end user installable, e.g.
For PCs/Macs) or an embedded server for devices such as NAS, routers/gateways and STBs. Twonky Server’s web UI provides optimal capability for you to easily and reliably control and play back your media files in a variety of ways, and to “beam” those media files to other connected devices. Download and install Twonky Server today to begin enjoying your favorite digital photos, videos and songs in your home.
Hi everybody, this guide if for upgrade your WD My Book World Edition (I or II) Twonky to 7.x version. Edit 01/2015, working with 8 version. Same guide, download is: 6/7 key working with 8 version Edit: Twonky 8.0.2 is out: 8.0.3 8.1.2 All versions: If you don't have a My Book World Edition (I or II) this guide is not for you. Dsp Group Truespeech Audio Codec Download. If your My Book is black it's not a World Edition series (which is white), this guide is not for you (go to ). This guide is 'newbie' oriented, no modification with editor, just command line.
(so if your not a linux expert, this guide if for you;-) ) Why upgrade to 7 version? Simply to support new specific DLNA devices/profiles. With brand new My Book, you have Twonky 5 version. In my case, I've got 2 Samsung TV, with Twonky 5 version, mkv streaming is not support, support begin with 6.3x version.
Is it free to upgrade? No, when you purchase My Book World Edition, you have an OEM licence for Twonky 5 (WD buy it to PacketVideo who sell Twonky), so you don't have maintenance for it (and newer version). It's like when you purchase a PC with Windows XP and now you want to install Windows 7, it's not free;-) and you need to pay to have newer version. You can purchase a key at it's only $19.95/€14. Manual For Wharfedale Dvdr24hd160f 160gb Hdd And Hdmi Cable. 95 (choose Twonky Server). (You can't purchase upgrade key because you have an OEM licence, WD is a customer of PacketVideo, not you) If you have already buy a 6 key version, the key is working for 7 version. If you don't have try 6 or 7 version before, you can have a 30 day trial (follow the same procedure). How to know latest version?