Wharfedale DVD Recorder Wharfedale dvdr24hd160 dv. Series record. Wharfedale DVD Recorder TU500DTR. Please help find the manual for this Wharfedale International DVD Recorder. Wharfedale DVD Recorder. Recorder that the. Wharfedale DVD Recorder WH-HDD160 HDMI. Oct 13, 2010. Wharfedale DVDR24HD160F (DVD recorder with 160gb HDD) They were watching a film from the HDD when the screen suddenly went dark grey, with a central vertical black stripe & a wonky white line to the left of the stripe. I tried changing all the cables, which are - aerial in, back to the TV & scart from.
Hello everyone! Computer-less friends have asked me if I can find a solution to the problem they're having with this unit - Wharfedale DVDR24HD160F (DVD recorder with 160gb HDD) They were watching a film from the HDD when the screen suddenly went dark grey, with a central vertical black stripe & a wonky white line to the left of the stripe. I tried changing all the cables, which are - aerial in, back to the TV & scart from unit to TV, with no luck. The unit will power on ok & show the channel at which it was last left & will allow me to change channels (according to the front display) but nothing shows on the TV except the grey/black/white combo! They don't have many programmes recorded on the HDD & wouldn't mind losing them, so I was thinking.I'm sure I've heard that some recorders have a combination of buttons to press while powering on that will reset the box to 'factory defaults' (?) If that's right, can anyone tell me how to achieve this on this unit? I'll take any suggestions gratefully (be nice, I'm not that talented! ) With thanks for your time & attention, Stuart.
Not familiar with SCART; have you tried to connect the tele using other connectors? Does the DVD player show any picture? If you get a picture with a different connection, more than likely the SCART connector has a cold solder joint; just touch up the solder joints.
Otherwise it's likely the VDAC is either blown or not all the pins are contacting. Once, I got a Norcent DVD player that lost video; it turned out the VDAC had a coulpe pins that needed re-soldered. These were renowned for having the VDAC overheat (poor design), adding a heatsink fixed that. Firstly, thank you for your replies!
No, the DVD player runs but shows no picture. Nic2k4 - I'm afraid that even if I knew what a VDAC was, I'm not competent enough to be soldering anything!
I did open the box & it was almost completely dust-free. The fan - which is beneath the HDD (which is riveted in place - not screws) - was running ok & not clogged & there were no obviously (to my untrained eyes) damaged components, nor signs of overheating.
They're going to be getting a new TV soon, so I think I'll have to suggest they go for a new DVDR at the same time. Prince Rare Purple. Once again, I thank you all for your kindness - Stuart. Sorry you see things that way. I don't want to start a flame war, just want to explain my point of view.
I really don't mean to come across as a know it all. I simply give the information, but never insist on the answer. People are free to do what they can/want with it. The easy answer would be to say sorry man you're S.O.L., go spend another $300 to buy a new HDD recorder. There are things I figure I shouldn't have to explain, there's a nice here for that and there's always Google for anyone who wants to learn more. Most of what I know I've learned from others in forums like this one.
I've even learned from your posts as you are among the knowledgeable people here. There are many soldering guides on the web; the tools are cheap enough. There's no harm in experimenting with something that's headed for the trash; worst case you spent 30 minutes, but you can say for sure the thing couldn't be fixed.
I don't assume what anyone can do, they should know their limits, but if they never try anything, how can they expand them? I didn't know I could re-solder a surface mount VDAC until I tried. Mtv Splitsvilla Aahatein Free Mp3 Download on this page.
All it took was a 30 Watt soldering iron, a razor blade and a magnifying glass. If someone really can't do it, ask someone who can. At least they'd know what to ask for. I get it, not everyone has the same abilities. Heck, I have dyslexic friends and they still managed to learn to use their high tech equipement; just had to take a different path.