Green Building Resource Center 2018 Rain Barrel and Compost Bin Sale Coming Soon! Mark your calendar and check after January 1st to purchase for May 12th pickup. Driver License Or Id Card Delivery Status here. For a limited time you can buy barrels and bins at a discounted price. Classic Black 50 gallon Ivy Rain Barrel - $69.00 65 gallon backyard compost bin - $65.00 (More compost bin info below) 5% of your purchased will go to the Green Building Resource Center. Deadline to order online is Sunday, October 8, 2017 at 11:00 pm Pickup: Saturday, October 14, 2017 Times: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Location: Houston Permitting Center 1002 Washington Houston, Texas 77002. How do I purchase?
Choose the item below and click the Buy Now button, enter the number of items you would like to purchase and then pay by credit card. To order more than one product click the item, click 'Buy Now' choose the of number of items you would like then click the continue shopping button to add a new item and click 'Buy Now' again. Cx One V4 Keygen Torrent. What if I can not pick up my rain barrel(s) on event day? Drivers Pcchips P17g Windows Xp. We can not guarantee holding your items for a later pick up. You can have a friend or neighbor pick up for you as long as they have your name, receipt and/or order #. Please note you will pick up your items at the event listed above, they will NOT be shipped to you. When placing your order you only need to fill in a Billing Address that matches your credit card billing statement.