ANDROID DEVELOPERS TOOLS COLLECTION - - PREQUEL - ANDROID BECOMES DURING THE TIME MOST USED AND APPRICIATED MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM WHICH CAN BE FOUND ON MILLIONS OF DEVICES. IN THE ERA OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES,SUCCESS OF EVERY OS DEPENDS SAME ON ORIGINAL DEVELOPERS AND ON CUSTOM DEVELOPERS. IM GOING TO PRESENT YOU ACCORDING TO MY OPINION,BEST TOOLS FOR MODDING AND MANIPULATION WITH ANDROID OS. ***Network & Internet*** ***Multitasking*** ***Dalvik VM*** ***Kernel*** ***Toggle Android Features*** ***Telephony*** ***Touchscreen & Display*** ***Miscellaneous*** ----------- TOOLS ----------- ***Rescue Package*** ***Universal Init.d Support*** ***Pimp My CPU*** ***Density Changer*** ***Entropy Generator*** ***Dual Bootanimations*** ***Lock Apps in Memory*** ***Navigation Bar Toggle*** ***Gps Configuration*** ***Device Hidden Menu*** ----------- APPS & MODS ----------- ***Pimp My Beats*** # Bravia Engine 2 # xLoud & ClearAudio+ # Sony Album # OpenVPN Support DOWNLOAD. HTC ONE TOOLKIT - ( Thanks To ) Features: • Using HTCDev to unlock the bootloader• Using Revone to grant S-OFF to your phone• Basic ADB commands to get you going• Basic Fastboot commands to get you booting!• Installing APKs• Sideloading!• Pushing!• Installing Drivers! (optional) - XPERIA TA PARTITION BACKUP - ( Thanks To ) Features: Backup TA can backup and restore the TA partition of the device.
Download Kumpulan Aplikasi Untuk Android Yang sudah di Root - Kali ini aku akan membagikan kumpulan Aplikasi yang mampu kalian pasang untuk Android yang telah di Root. Atoms To Mass In Grams Converter. Seperti kita tahu bahwa dengan melaksanakan Root Android kita memiliki kekuasaan diktatorial untuk mengakses mengubah,. Swapper for root user is on Google+! Add Swapper in your circle! Create, add and manage swap memory file without swap partition on SD. New awesome Material Design app with new features: - Root Checker - Swap usage with. Pada bagian pertama tutorial cara menambah ram android kita manfaatkan swap, overclock serta penambahan script di system. Berikut ini akan saya sebutkan beberapa aplikasi penghemat ram (penambah ram dan penambah performa android) yang saya rekomendasikan untuk anda beserta.
When you create a backup before unlocking for the first time, then you will be able to restore to full factory state (including a locked bootloader).