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I know I know, you already know protein is important at every meal, but did you know that r esearch actually shows that 30 grams of protein at a meal can stimulate muscle growth? We tend to get very little protein at breakfast, then slightly more at lunch, then too much at dinner (the excess just turns to fat or it turned to glucose unless you actually use it).
What we should do is try to evenly distribute our protein intake throughout each meal, so rather than getting ~10 grams of protein at breakfast, and 20 at lunch, and 50 at dinner (yes, this is typical of many American diets) we should aim for 30/30/30. Here is a bit from the article. If we can aim for ~30 grams per meal, our muscle synthesis, in theory, will be more efficient. The speaker at the conference said that “one study showed those who consumed 30 grams of protein, or more, at breakfast showed muscle growth compared to that you would get from a workout” ( ) Nick will kill me if he sees this on my blog. I wanted to show you that we order breakfast even when on vacation (as in this photo) and I’m proud to say that Nick, a one-time non-breakfast-eater, now eats breakfast daily. If you read (which, I’m guessing most of you don’t, but I highly suggest it, even for non-RDs!) you already know how important breakfast is because they include articles about breakfast in almost every issue (ok, maybe not almost all, but many).
There was an entire article about the benefits of breakfast in the latest issue ( article). I’ve added a small piece from the article here; Studies also have found that a breakfast rich in protein may improve satiety and diet quality in teens and adults who are overweight or obese.5,10 A recent study used MRI to assess brain signals controlling food motivation and reward-driven eating behavior, and found that these signals were reduced following a high-protein breakfast—evidence that breakfast may be a valuable strategy to control appetite and regulate food intake.5 Ok, enough talk. How in the heck can you get 30 grams of protein for breakfast, anyway?! It takes some serious determination, I’ll tell you that right now. In all honesty, you’ll have to start putting some effort into your morning prep, but I think it’s worth it. Here are some ideas.
5 egg whites, in a bowl, with cinnamon, vanilla, and 1/4th cup oats. Allow to sit for ~15 minutes, then pour onto a hot non-stick skillet. Cool like an omelet, flipping after about 2 minutes. Make sure whites are cooked through, then top with blueberries and ~1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (and sugar-free syrup). 30 grams of protein 1-cup frozen blueberries, 1-cup skim milk, some stevia and 1-scoop chocolate whey protein, blended well.
Top with 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt. ~30 g protein, total 12 grams of protein in 2 bars (~300 calories) Add more protein by topping them with more yogurt, or adding whey protein to this recipe.
Ok, this is a stretch, but these bars are yummy. And of course don’t forget my all-time favorite breakfast (seen in the first photo on this post); Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, 1-scoop whey protein, stevia and unsweetened cocoa, plus some high-protein cereal like Kashi Go Lean. Ecafe Windows Xp Drivers. I swear, it’s tasty.