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Contents • • • • • • • File format [ ] The format is case-sensitive and essentially that of an structured as follows Header • [playlist]: This tag indicates that it is a Playlist File Track Entry Assuming track entry #X • FileX: Variable defining location of media file/stream (like playlists). • TitleX: Defines track title.
(optional) • LengthX: Length in seconds of track. Puppet Pin Tool After Effects Cs6 Tutorial more. Value of -1 indicates indefinite (streaming).
Mercury Kob C884-e Sound Card Driver Download here. (optional) Footer • NumberOfEntries: This variable indicates the number of tracks and therefore equals the number used for the last track • Version: Playlist version. Currently only a value of 2 is valid. Examples [ ] Example of a radio station streaming audio PLS file, complete.
[playlist] File1 = Length1 = -1 File2 = example2.mp3 Title2 = Just some local audio that is 2mins long Length2 = 120 File3 = F: Music whatever.m4a Title3 = absolute path on Windows File4 =%UserProfile% Music short.ogg Title4 = example for an Environment variable Length4 = 5 NumberOfEntries = 4 Version = 2 Unix/BSD/Linux/OS X In operating systems absolute and relative file paths differ from Windows, because there are no drive letters, differ and [/] (forward slashes) are used as directory separators instead of [ ] (backslashes). Therefore, playlists pointing to absolute paths or media files outside of the folder containing the playlist will only work for one type of operating system - either Windows or Unix-like. URLs work the same for all types.