Current rules* with amendments approved by ISTAF in Bangkok, Thailand, July 2, 2007 *Re-written to be clearer, using consistent terminology and more grammatically correct than original version. THE COURT 1.1. The Court – shall be constructed on a flat, smooth surface, and main playing area shall consist of a smaller inner circle and a larger outer circle that the 5 players on the same team will play within.
Nov 21, 2007. Wonder How To is your guide to free how to videos on the Web. Search, Browse and Discover the best how to videos across the web using the largest how to video index on the web. Watch the best online video instructions, tutorials, & How-Tos for free. Have your own how to videos? Submit them to share. When the Referee gives the 'Start Signal', one player will “Toss” the ball to another player standing across the circle from him/her, and upon receiving the tossed ball he/she must kick the ball to any other player. The only time a player is allowed to touch the ball with their hands is when he/she has to “Toss” it to begin play.
The Smaller Inner Circle – shall be 4 m, or 13 ft. 1 1/8 in., in diameter, from inner edge to inner edge, and the line width marking the circle shall be 4 cm, or 1 ½ in. The Larger Outer Circle – drawn around the inner circle, shall be 16 m, or 52 ft. 6 in., in diameter, from outer edge to outer edge, and the line width marking the outer circle shall be 4 cm, or 1 ½ in. There must be a minimum clearance space, free of all obstacles, of 8 m, or 26 ft. 3 in., above the court.
Triple Hoops Position – Above the very centre point of both circles drawn on the court, there shall be one Triple Hoops Apparatus hanging in the air that is attached to a rope, which is guided into a pulley, that is secured and in tact no less than 50 cm, or 19 ¾ in., above the top of the rims of the Triple Hoops. THE TRIPLE HOOPS APPARATUS 2.1. The Triple Hoops Apparatus consists of 3 identical hoops, with inside diameters of 50 cm, or 19 ¾ in., which are joined at the sides to form a triangle.
The Triple Hoops shall be made of metal that is wrapped around with foam cushioning, having a perimeter of not more than 10 cm, or 4 in. A mesh rope netting is attached around the wrapped the metal rims of the each of the Triple Hoops and hangs down on the inside of them. The Triple Hoops shall be hung at a height such that the bottom edge of its wrapped rims shall be 4.75 m, or 15 ft. 7 1/8 in., high above the court surface for men, and 4.5 m, or 14 ft. 9 in., for women. THE OFFICIAL BALL 3. Driver License Limited Term Extension Briefly Explain Yes Answer on this page. 1.