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The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ - The Debian package management tools [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 8 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ Chapter 8 - The Debian package management tools 8. Sree Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram Mp3 Download. 1 What programs does Debian provide for managing its packages? There are multiple tools that are used to manage Debian packages, from graphic or text-based interfaces to the low level tools used to install packages. All the available tools rely on the lower level tools to properly work and are presented here in decreasing complexity level. It is important to understand that the higher level package management tools such as aptitude or synaptic rely on apt which, itself, relies on dpkg to manage the packages in the system.
See of the for more information about the Debian package management utilities. This document is available in various languages and formats, see. 8.1.1 dpkg This is the main package management program.
Dpkg can be invoked with many options. Some common uses are: • Find out all the options: dpkg --help. • Print out the control file (and other information) for a specified package: dpkg --info foo_VVV-RRR.deb. • Install a package (including unpacking and configuring) onto the file system of the hard disk: dpkg --install foo_VVV-RRR.deb. • Unpack (but do not configure) a Debian archive into the file system of the hard disk: dpkg --unpack foo_VVV-RRR.deb. Note that this operation does not necessarily leave the package in a usable state; some files may need further customization to run properly.
This command removes any already-installed version of the program and runs the preinst (see ) script associated with the package. • Configure a package that already has been unpacked: dpkg --configure foo. Among other things, this action runs the postinst (see ) script associated with the package. It also updates the files listed in the conffiles for this package. Notice that the 'configure' operation takes as its argument a package name (e.g., foo), not the name of a Debian archive file (e.g., foo_VVV-RRR.deb). • Extract a single file named 'blurf' (or a group of files named 'blurf*') from a Debian archive: dpkg --fsys-tarfile foo_VVV-RRR.deb tar -xf - 'blurf*'.
• Remove a package (but not its configuration files): dpkg --remove foo. • Remove a package (including its configuration files): dpkg --purge foo. • List the installation status of packages containing the string (or regular expression) 'foo*': dpkg --list 'foo*'. 8.1.2 APT APT is the Advanced Package Tool, an advanced interface to the Debian packaging system which provides the apt-get program. It provides commandline tools for searching and managing packages, and for querying information about them, as well as low-level access to all features of the libapt-pkg library. For more information, see the User's Guide in /usr/share/doc/apt-doc/guide.html/index.html (you will have to install the apt-doc package). Starting with Debian Jessie, some frequently used apt-get and apt-cache commands have an equivalent via the new apt binary.
This means some popular commands like apt-get update, apt-get install, apt-get remove, apt-cache search, or apt-cache show now can also be called simply via apt, say apt update, apt install, apt remove, apt search, or apt show.