Comment by ra2phoenix This faction appears in the list after talking to the dragon just inside Caverns of Time to begin the chain of quests there, which is required to access the CoT instances. The quests must be completed for each instance to unlock the next one. The first CoT instance is Escape from Durnholde, then the Dark Portal, after which the Hyjal raid is unlocked.
Installation of KeeperFX CCP: You need original Dungeon Keeper CD (or CD image) to perform complete installation. There are two lines which define resolutions: 'FRONTEND_RES=' should have exactly 3 parameters and is used in the menu, while 'INGAME_RES=' can have 1-5 parameters, which define list of.
I do not know the method of gaining rep with Keepers of Time other than doing the quests and possibly slaying bosses in the instances, but the rewards for rep are very nice. Comment by Simple You receive a minimum of 1110 rep per Black Morass run (15x normal min-boss mobs which reward 50 rep, 3x bosses which reward 120 rep).
You will also get a few single points of rep randomly throughout the instance from some of the 'adds'. This will give you rep all the way through to exalted with Keepers of Time.
The quickest run of Black Morass I have experienced was 35 minutes. It was done with a paladin tank, holy/disc priest healer, and 3 mutilate specced rogues. I was one of the rogues, and had to handle adds. To do a run in approx 35 mins you will want to be dps heavy like we were:). Comment by Kathucka No reputation-based rewards for hunters, and nothing for an alchemist who already has flasks from pre-expansion drops or auction house purchases. Torrent Les Tudors Saison 3 French. Tarren Mill Defender's Cinch () is a reward for freeing Thrall, and has great MP/5 without wasting item points on spell damage or healing. Hunters need mana from somewhere, and this is a great place to get it.
It also has two red sockets, so put in red gems for better physical damage, or blue gems (losing the socket bonus) for even better mana restoration. Letting Medivh open the Dark Portal rewards the Time Bending Gem (a ring, ) with stamina, dodge, and attack power. That's good for hunters who PvP. There are some decent hunter drops, as well.
Captain Skarloc in the Old Hillsbrad Foothills drops a one-handed axe () with crit, attack power, and stamina, and also the magnificent Scaled Greaves of Patience () with agility, stamina, intellect, attack power, MP/5, and three sockets. As for the the Black Morass, hunters get a drop of a Helm of Desolation (), the Laughing Skull Battle Harness (), and Melmorta's Twilight Longbow (), For alchemists, Captain Skarloc drops the recipe for the indispensable Ironshield Potion (). Comment by Zenrei To be honest though, especially with low population servers and (not to be discriminatory) Horde, BM runs are extremely hard to pull together. Soulja Slim Give It 2 Em Raw Rare here. Normally, even if I do get a decent group, it takes half an hour to get even at peak times, another 20 to set everyone up, and then another 10 just because some people are stupid or the alliance decides to camp us while we summon. Nixon Manual 2 Watches.