Alkitab is a nice app which offers you the chance to read multiple versions of the bible on your Smartphone on the go. If you have been looking for a way to read the bible in a comprehensive and detailed manner then this app is perfect for you. This Indonesian bible app lets you read the Holy Scripture in a number of different languages.
Cgi-bin/ old/. Apache Server at Port 443. Bawa keindahan dan kebenaran Alkitab ke dalam hidup keseharian. Dengan Aplikasi Alkitab YouVersion, Anda dapat baca, tonton, dengar, dan berbagi di ponsel atau tablet Anda, dan daring di
You have the opportunity to choose the language in which you want to read the bible. Moreover, Alkitab provides you various versions of the bible that have been translated into various languages as well that you can download on your device and then read in the app. Powercivil V8i Crack here. You can find these versions in the 'Manage Versions' section of the app.