What happens if I get a traffic ticket in another state? Your NYS Driver License will be suspended if you fail to answer a ticket for a moving violation in any state except Alaska, California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon or Wisconsin. Your license will remain suspended until you answer the ticket. Likewise, drivers from any state, except those from the six states listed above, will have their driver licenses suspended in their own state for failure to answer a moving violation in New York State. Драйвер Мтс Коннект Для Windows 7. Keyrig 49 Win 7 Drivers on this page. The New York State DMV does not record out-of-state convictions of moving traffic violations of New York State non-commercial licensed drivers, except for traffic offenses committed in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada. If you are 21 years of age or older when you commit an alcohol or drug related driving violation in any other state or the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada and you are convicted of the violation, your New York State driver license will be revoked for at least 90 days. Out-of-state drivers ticketed in New York State should contact the Motor Vehicle Department of their own state or province about the effect of a conviction in New York State.