The is known by many names. • CCTV PCI DVR Video Capture Card DSR-104 • Conexant 878A 4-port PCI DVR Card • UCC4 Video Capture Card / clone • Peaqe Pico2000 (software) • SKY-104 from DVR Systems (similar) • Dico 900 (software) 4 Camera Security PCI Card.
Peaqe Dico 900 software. HP Officejet v40/v40xi/v45 All-in-One Software/Driver A.14.04.06 Windows 98/ME. -One Software/Driver A.14.04.06 Windows 98/ME HP Officejet v40/v40xi/v45 All-in-One Software/Dri.: HPPublisher: HP Officejet v40/v40xi/v45 All-in-One Software/Driver A.14.04.06 Windows 98/ME Publisher'. No more missed important software updates! UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer.
Compression: MPEG4. Display Resolution: 352 x 240 (NTSC).
Screen Display: 1/4/7/10/13/16 multi-view or full screen. Network: Remote Monitoring and Recording with Search and Playback.
Upgradeable - 4 cards in a PC for 16 cameras. Minimum PC capability: Pentium III 800 MHz or equivalent. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Installation of Card Insert the card into one of the empty PCI slots, just as how you would install a sound card. Then turn on the computer. Your computer should recognize the new harddware, then choose installing the driver from CD. The capture card should be recognized as 'IMAVISION Video Capture Device' and 'IMAVISION Audio Capture Device.' Fluenz Rapidshare Links.