• • • Reign [ ] Sisyphus was the founder and first king of Ephyra (supposedly the original name of ). King Sisyphus promoted navigation and commerce but was avaricious and deceitful. He also killed travellers and guests, a violation of, which fell under 's domain. Adobe After Effects Cc 2014 Serial Number List.
He took pleasure in these killings because they allowed him to maintain his iron-fisted rule. Conflict with Salmoneus [ ] Sisyphus and his brother Salmoneus were known to hate each other, and Sisyphus consulted with the of Delphi on just how to kill Salmoneus without incurring any severe consequences for himself. From onward, Sisyphus was famed as the craftiest of men. He seduced Salmoneus's daughter in one of his plots to kill Salmoneus, only for Tyro to slay the children she bore by him when she discovered that Sisyphus was planning on eventually using them to dethrone her father. Cheating death [ ] King Sisyphus also betrayed one of Zeus' secrets by revealing the whereabouts of (an who was taken away by Zeus) to her father (the river god ) in return for causing a spring to flow on the Corinthian.